Learn To Love Yourself.

Get Pono

Pono: to be at one with everyone and everything.

“Get Pono” is derived from the Hawaiian word “pono”, which is often translated to mean righteousness, balance, or living with a deep sense of integrity and harmony. To be at one with everyone and everything.

To “get pono” is embarking on a journey towards achieving a state of balance and wholeness within oneself and in relation to the world around. It encompasses personal well-being, ethical living, and maintaining respectful and harmonious relationships with self, others, and the environment.

About Jon

Jon Lovgren is an author, sound healer, and ho’oponopono practitioner in Hawaii. He focuses on personal growth, healing, and recovery through one-on-one sessions, workshops, and retreats.

Jon’s Books On Ho’oponopono

  • What a great book!! Very well put together, concise, and easy to follow.

    Carissa L.

  • This book is a curriculum for a healthy life. There are no classes or education about how to manage expectations, how to break from harmful cycles, how to change yourself, how to transcend, how to "un-program" our minds. This book shows the pathway to do all that.

    Davit M.

  • Hoʻoponopono has changed my life! And this is the best book I’ve read on it.

    Laurie T.

  • Lots of information and examples on how change happens and how this wonderful practice can help us.

    Ilsa A.

A girl practicing ho'oponopono and meditation

Ho’oponopono & Meditation

Ho’oponopono is a meditation in and of itself. When we achieve a meditative state, our inner selves are primed to truly integrate the mantra, “I love you, I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you. ”

Get pono with your diet for optimal health

Get Pono with Your Nutrition

Explore some recipes to help fuel your pono journey. Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, or a carnivore, there is something for everyone!