“There are two times to forgive; now or later.”
~Uhane Harry Jim
Jon Lovgren is an author known for his work with the ancient Hawaiian practice of ho’oponopono, a method of forgiveness and reconciliation. He has written two books so far:
The Magic Words: Your Pathway to Peace, Joy, and Happiness, Where Miracles Become Expectations explains in detail how and why ho’oponopono is so powerful. Jon explains the role neuroplasticity plays in ho’oponopono and delves into the neuroscience of creativity weaving complex principles into a blanket of easy to understand, practical methods for healing whatever is holding us back from being all that we may be.
The Magic Words and the 12 Steps: We Are All Recovering From Something, where he combines ho’oponopono with the original 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous to not only help those in recovery work through the 12 steps at a deeper level with less stress, he also brings the principles of the steps into mainstream by explaining how the 12 steps are a solid foundation for anyone.
Jon has studied various religious texts, Kabbalah, metaphysics, quantum physics, psychology, and philosophy for over 40 years, and he has been practicing and researching ho’oponopono for over 15 years. He also shows how to combine The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz into a ho’oponopono lifestyle.
His kuleana (responsibility) focuses on personal growth, healing, and recovery through one-on-one sessions, afternoon and evening workshops as well as seven-to-ten-day intensive retreats.
When you pull the curtain back, you see an elder and hear a child. Jon loves to laugh and play, believing that life is a game we all chose to come together to play; make of it what you will and if you are not sure, just hang around a little longer.
On rainy days, he plays with toy trains, or as those still concerned with what other people may think, model railroading. When it is not raining, he can often be found at one of the beaches flying a drone or on a golf course playing his favorite sport and getting some exercise.
In the community he is known as the “YaY!!!” man and the fun guy - he kind of grows on you. While everyone else is parting ways with “Aloha”, or “A hui hou”, or “See ya later”, Jon always says,
“Have Fun!!!”
His alter-ego is Jondolf, you can guess the rest.