Meditation helps us get pono in all aspects of our life.

Meditation is a practice that involves using various techniques to encourage a heightened state of awareness and focused attention. It is a type of mind-body complementary medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years across different cultures and religions. Meditation helps us deeply relax and calm our mind. By focusing on a single point of reference, such as our breath, a specific word, or a mantra, we can clear away the clutter of thoughts, what I call “Monkey Mind”, that may be causing stress.

Meditation leads to improved physical and emotional well-being. Meditation combined with visualization are key elements to helping us heal physical ailments as well as manifesting our desires. Regular meditation embues a sense of calm, peace, a nd balance, which positively affects your emotional well-being and overall health.

Benefits of meditation:

  • Reduces stress and builds skills to manage it

  • Increases self-awareness

  • Teaches to focus on the present

  • Reduces negative emotions

  • Enhances creativity and patience

  • Lowers resting heart rate and blood pressure

  • Improves sleep quality

Meditation Myths

It is important to dispel some myths surrounding meditation. The modern era has depicted meditation as a thoughtless state achieved by sitting cross-legged for long periods of time. But, in truth, a meditation practice can be incorporated into every moment of our life and is accessible to all of us. Understanding the truths surrounding these myths will help to instantly improve your practice.

  • Myth #1: Meditation is about emptying your mind.

Truth: It's normal to have thoughts pop up during meditation. The goal isn't silence, but rather observing your thoughts without judgment and gently bringing your attention back to your focus point (breath, mantra, etc.).

  • Myth #2: You have to sit perfectly still for long periods.

    Truth: Comfort is key! Sit or lie down in a way that allows you to be relaxed and alert. Meditation sessions can start as short as 90 seconds and increase as you build your practice. Walking meditations are also very enjoyable.

  • Myth #3: Meditation is only for religious people.

    Truth: Meditation is a practice for anyone, regardless of religious beliefs. It focuses on training your mind and improving well-being.

  • Myth #4: I need special equipment to meditate.

    Truth: You don't need anything fancy! A quiet space and a comfortable position are all you need.

Meditation & Ho’oponopono

Meditation and ho'oponopono are powerful tools for creating a more harmonious and peaceful existence. Meditation creates a space for self-awareness, allowing you to identify negative thoughts and limiting beliefs. Ho'oponopono then provides the tools to release those burdens with forgiveness and love.

Here is how you can put it into practice:

  • Close your eyes (optional) and take a deep breath. Feel the coolness of air enter your nostrils and the warmth leave as you exhale.

  • Bring your attention to your breath. Notice the natural rise and fall, without judgment. This simple act anchors your focus and quiets the mental chatter.

  • Thoughts will inevitably pop up. Acknowledge them gently, then return your attention to your breath. It's like training a playful puppy – kind and consistent redirection.

  • Ho'oponopono Mantra: Silently repeat the mantra (“I love you, I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.") towards yourself and the situation.

  • Feel the Shift: With practice, you'll notice a sense of release and a deepening sense of inner peace.

Remember, ho’oponopono is always and only about or to self, never about anyone or anything else - it teaches to take 100% responsibility for our lives. It is a journey, not a destination. Start with a few minutes and gradually increase as you feel comfortable. With regular practice, you'll unlock a wellspring of inner calm and clarity.