When the Fear of Choosing Steals Our Joy

It is finally time to make that big decision, the one you have been putting off for months. The one that feels like it could completely change the trajectory of your life.

Every time you think about it, your stomach sinks, your heart begins to race, and your thoughts become a jumbled mess of pros and cons, hopes and fears. Why can't someone just make this decision for you? When will that divine sign come through, shining a clear light on the correct path ahead?

The pressure mounts, the anxiety builds, and the very thought of making a choice becomes more daunting than the decision itself. In a moment of desperation, you reach for your phone, seeking solace in the familiar distractions of social media or the latest news headlines. Decision-making averted, at least for now.

Decision Paralysis

If this scenario feels familiar, you are not alone. Frozen in the face of choices, our minds buzzing with endless possibilities, each one seemingly as good (or as bad) as the next. It is that familiar feeling of being stuck, unable to move forward, as if the weight of the world rests on our shoulders with every potential decision.

Maybe it is choosing between two exciting job offers, deciding whether to take a leap of faith and pursue a new relationship, or simply figuring out what to have for dinner when the options seem endless. Big or small, the struggle is real.

Decision paralysis, that state of being overwhelmed by choices and unable to take action, is a common experience in our modern world. We are constantly bombarded with information, options, and possibilities, leaving us feeling paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong choice. The stakes can feel incredibly high, especially when the decision at hand could potentially impact the course of our lives.

This struggle is not unique to any particular culture or tradition. It is a universal human experience, one that has been explored by philosophers, psychologists, and spiritual seekers throughout history. But how do we navigate this state of uncertainty and find the clarity we need to get pono with our decision making?

The Deeper Roots of Decision Paralysis

What is decision paralysis, really? It could be described by most as just a fleeting moment of indecision or a simple aversion to making a choice. But it is a state of mind, a tangle of thoughts and emotions that can leave us feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and powerless.

At its core, decision paralysis is a reflection of our human desire for certainty and control in a world that is inherently uncertain and ever-changing. We crave predictability, a clear path forward, a guarantee that our choices will lead to the desired outcomes. But life rarely unfolds in such a linear fashion. It is full of twists and turns, unexpected detours, and unforeseen challenges.

When faced with a decision, especially one with significant consequences, our minds can become consumed by a whirlwind of "what ifs." We worry about making the wrong choice, about missing out on a better opportunity, about disappointing ourselves or others. We become paralyzed by the fear of the unknown, clinging to the illusion of control in a world that is constantly evolving.

Decision paralysis is not simply a matter of laziness or indecisiveness. It is a complex emotional and psychological experience that can leave us feeling drained, anxious, and disconnected from our own inner wisdom. It's a reminder that we are human, that we crave certainty in an uncertain world, and that we sometimes struggle to trust our own judgment and intuition.

But amidst the chaos and confusion, there is a path to clarity and empowerment. By understanding the deeper roots of decision paralysis, we can begin to cultivate the tools and practices that will help us navigate these challenging moments with grace and confidence. We can learn to embrace the unknown, trust our intuition, and make choices that align with our deepest values and aspirations.

So, how do you know if you are caught in this mental trap? Here are a few telltale signs:

  • Procrastination: You keep putting off making a decision, telling yourself you need more time or information. You might find yourself cleaning the house, organizing your sock drawer, or even binge-watching your favorite show - anything to avoid facing the decision at hand. Deep down, you are hoping that the answer will magically appear or that the problem will somehow resolve itself without your intervention.

  • Overthinking: Your mind becomes a battlefield of endless "what ifs" and worst-case scenarios. You analyze every possible outcome, weighing the pros and cons ad nauseam, but still can not seem to reach a conclusion. The more you think about it, the more confused and overwhelmed you become, trapped in a cycle of endless analysis.

  • Anxiety and Stress: The very thought of making a decision sends your heart racing and your palms sweating. You may experience difficulty sleeping, loss of appetite, or a general sense of unease. The weight of the decision feels heavy on your shoulders, casting a shadow of doubt and fear over your days.

  • Seeking External Validation: You find yourself constantly seeking advice from friends, family, or even strangers, hoping they will tell you what to do. You crave external validation, believing that someone else holds the key to the "right" decision. But in this process, you may be silencing your own inner voice, your own intuition that knows what's best for you.

  • Avoidance: Sometimes, the anxiety becomes so overwhelming that you avoid thinking about the decision altogether. You bury yourself in busywork, distract yourself with mindless activities, or simply numb the discomfort with food, alcohol, or other substances. But avoidance only delays the inevitable, and the unresolved decision continues to weigh on your subconscious, creating a constant undercurrent of stress.

If you recognize these signs in yourself, take heart. You are not alone. This is a common struggle, and there are ways to navigate through this challenging terrain. It is time to reclaim your power, tap into your inner wisdom, and make choices that align with your deepest self.

The Stillness in the Storm

In the midst of all this turmoil, there is a quiet voice that whispers within us, a subtle knowing that transcends the chaos of our thoughts and fears. It is our intuition, our inner wisdom, our connection to something greater than ourselves. The Hawaiians call it naʻau, the “gut feeling” or instinct that guides us towards what is truly pono for our lives.

The ancient Hawaiians understood the importance of listening to this inner voice, of trusting the wisdom of the heart. They recognized that true clarity comes not from endless analysis or external validation, but from tuning in to the subtle whispers of our own being.

In the realm of decision-making, the heart's intelligence plays a crucial role. Research has shown that the heart has its own complex nervous system, capable of sending more messages to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. This intricate network of neurons and neurotransmitters allows the heart to process information, learn, remember, and even generate emotions. Studies have found that when we are faced with a difficult choice, our heart rate variability patterns can actually predict our decisions before we consciously make them. This suggests that our hearts are processing information and guiding us towards choices that are aligned with our deepest values and desires, even when our minds are clouded with doubt and uncertainty.

The heart's intelligence is not a replacement for rational thought, but rather a powerful complement. Getting pono means finding balance between the head and the heart, between logic and intuition. When we learn to listen to the wisdom of our hearts, we tap into a source of guidance that can lead us towards greater clarity, peace, and fulfillment.

Cultivating Discernment: Finding Your Way Through the Fog

So, how do we cultivate this discernment, this ability to hear the whispers of our intuition amidst the noise of the world? It is a journey of self-discovery, of learning to trust ourselves, and of recognizing that the answers we seek often lie within.

Here are a few gentle nudges to guide you on this path:

  • Create Space for Stillness: In the quiet moments of meditation, prayer, or simply being in nature, we create space for our intuition to speak. Make time each day to disconnect from the external world and tune in to the wisdom of your heart.

  • Listen to Your Body: Our bodies often give us subtle cues about what feels right or wrong for us. Pay attention to your physical sensations when faced with a decision. Do you feel a sense of expansion and ease, or do you feel tightness and constriction in your chest?

  • Trust Your Gut: That "gut feeling" is often your intuition trying to guide you. Do not dismiss it as irrational or unimportant. Honor your instincts and allow them to inform your decision-making process.

  • Embrace Imperfection: There is no such thing as a perfect decision. Release the need for certainty and control, and trust that you will make the best choice you can with the information you have at the time.

  • Seek Guidance: If you are feeling lost or overwhelmed, do not hesitate to seek guidance from trusted mentors, spiritual advisors, or therapists. They can offer support and perspective, helping you navigate the complexities of your decision.

Getting pono is not about always making the "right" decision; it is about making choices that are aligned with your values, your intuition, and your deepest sense of self. It is about trusting in the wisdom of your heart, embracing the unknown, and stepping into your kuleana - your responsibility to create the life you desire - with courage and grace.

May you find the stillness within the storm, the clarity amidst the chaos, and the courage to make choices that lead you closer to your own unique path to pono. Go make that decision and be free!


The Divine Heart Pt. 1: Lessons from Our Ancestors


The Illusion of "More"