Chocolate: Mmmmmm, So Good!
Chocolate Meditation
Original post: December 2, 2011
Chocolate, mmmmmm – so good, AND did you know it is also good for us!?!
A bit about chocolate “The Food of the Gods.” Are you aware of just how good, how healthy chocolate really is for you? Not so much the highly processed chocolate that most of us are used to in our candy bars, or chocolate kisses. While these will certainly give you SOME of the nutrients from chocolate; you are far better off to eat REAL chocolate – straight from the cacao bean.
I don’t want to go into a complete history of the cacao bean used to make chocolate other than to say once again that it is known as “The Food for The Gods” and back in the day shortly after discovery it was held secret and only available to royalty.
It grows in the rain forests as a tree about 20 to 25 feet tall and bears pods of beans – the pods can be up to a foot long and contain anywhere from 20 to 50 beans within. The trees are very delicate, and care must be taken when harvesting the pods.
Cacao pods hanging from a tree.
The beans are then spread out to dry – and or roast – at which time they are ground into a paste and the paste is used to make a variety of products. We may also chew the nib and though a little bitter at first becomes very tasty as we chew it.
The BEST part of chocolate, aside from the taste? The nutritional value it has; the most noteworthy of which is theobromine, which is a mild stimulant similar to caffeine, but without the jitters, a variety of sugars that release serotonin into the brain, you know, that ‘feel good’ feeling– the ‘everything is just fine’ feeling.
And last but certainly not least – phenethylamine. Phenethylamine is the chemical in chocolate that is responsible for it becoming known as Love food. The phenethylamine may cause one to feel “love” and that general, overall sense of well-being and compassion, pono.
This is the chemical that gave chocolate the reputation of being an aphrodisiac. Also high in antioxidants; and there are over 26 more amino acids and minerals – minerals like sulfur and magnesium for example, that help you to increase your focus, alertness, and nutrients to keep us happy.
So, there you go, not only is chocolate mmmm mm mmm good! But it is also good FOR us as well. How cool is that? Most of the stuff that is “Good or us” tastes like - well, usually not so good.
Now then, when doing this meditation, focus on feeling love - just love – it does not need to be “OF” or “FOR” anyone or anything, we just allow ourselves to feel simple love - enjoy savoring our chocolate - enjoy being in a loving space
And most of all, relax and enjoy the meditation.
Thank you for meditating with me and I hope you continue to meditate on a regular basis.
If you have any questions or comments you may reach me on my contact page.
Have a fabulous meditation….
And thank you for being you.