The Akashic Records

Originally posted: on December 2, 2010

What are the Akashic Records? I like to refer to Akasha as the Library of the Universe, containing a record of everything that has happened since the beginning of time.  You may go to this library anytime you choose and actually, you visit it much more often than you realize.

The mystique surrounding the Akashic Records is due to the fact that the records are not of the physical world, in other words, you cannot see, taste, touch, smell, or hear them however; they are accessible at the Spiritual level.  The easiest way to access them is through meditation; although that is not the only way.  In fact, you often access the Akashic Records while you are sleeping.

Case in point: Have you ever had an issue during the day, something you were working on that you just couldn’t quite figure out and when you retire for the night that is the last thought on your mind before you drift off to sleep?  You fall asleep with that problem on your mind; then, you wake up, go to work, or get back to working on whatever was giving you difficulty yesterday only to find that you have the answer – you didn’t know you had the answer, you just suddenly figure out whatever it was that you couldn’t figure out yesterday.  Has that ever happened to you?  I am confident that at some point in your life it has.  That is an example of accessing the Akashic Records to get your answer(s).

Consider how we connect to the Akashic Records.  We connect to the Library of the Universe via our unconscious mind. To learn more about the unconscious mind, read my book The Magic Words: Your Pathway to Peace, Joy, and Happiness, Where Miracles Become Expectations. However, most people have never learned how to consciously communicate with the unconscious mind, therefore, until you learn to do so, you may have a difficult time accessing the Akashic Records.  As I said earlier, you do it all the time without even knowing you are doing so.

The Akashic Records meditation is designed to help you first of all become familiar with the Akashic Records, and secondly to help learn how to access them anytime you desire.


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